
Research Field

Home > Research > Research Field > Nuclear Systems

  • Nuclear fission that includes using radioactive isotope, a study that ergonomically apply or use atomic energy such as nuclear fusion.
  • Aim of the major is to meet the demand of atomic technology manpower and cultivate highly skilled manpower that leads future nuclear power industry in line with the scale of the increasing domestic and international nuclear power industry.
  • It is a study of intensifying and specializing core capacity to ¡®safety of nuclear reactor and system engineering¡¯ and ¡®radiotechnology¡¯ by emphasizing the strength of our department of mechanical industrial engineering.

Field of main research & education

Safety of nuclear reactor and system engineering field

Evaluating and analyzing safety of nuclear facility, new reactor system, operation and control of reactor, Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and related analysis model/technology development

Radiation Engineering field

Medical radiology, medical imaging using radiation, Variations of material properties, development of new materials, cancer diagnosis and therapeutic isotope

Field of parts for nuclear power plants

Designing and manufacturing parts of nuclear power plant, development of parts, management of quality, nuclear fuel

Closed circuit and waste management field

Decontamination of nuclear reactor, nuclear chemistry, water chemistry of nuclear reactor, managing radioactive waste