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Cate. Cultural Studies(25) Major Studies(106) General Elective(6) Graduation Credits(137)
Cultural Studies requirents(10) Cultural Studies Electiv(15) Major Basic(25) Major Required Major Elective
Authentication classification Professional cultivation MSC Other Major cultivation MSC Other MSC Engineering subject MSC Engineering subject Engineering subject Major cultivation Other specialty
Credit 3 3 4 3-6 3 6-9 20 5 6 42 33 0-3 3-6 137
Remarks Engineering Writing and Presentation See MSC table below College English Reading Classics Of Great Literature See table below See table below See table below Introduction to Mechanical Engineering statics Engineering Differential Equations, Engineering linear algebra Including Numerical analysis, Engineering statistics-MSC Leadership

¡Ø Science and technology : Must choose one between Visual Basic program or Computer simulation

¡Ø Keep in mind the graduation requirements since you are a candidate for the Engineering Certification(ABEEK) as you get the admission.

KEC2015 (Engineering credits Minimum standard credits 137)

Engineering certification Professional cultivation MSC Engineering subject Design
Required credits 9 30 54 or Higher 12

Graduation Assessment Table

Completiondivision A field of study Curriculum Credit
Specialized Liberal (9) Necessary Cultural Studiesrequirements Engineering Writing and Presentation 3
Cultural Studies Elective ¥°.Engineering ethics 3
Cultural Studies Elective Cultural Studies Elective II. Society and Culture-one subject related to engineering certification 3
Cultural Studies Elective 6. Language- Engineering English
Cultural Studies Elective 1.Thought and History-1 subject related to engineering certification
General Elective Vocational skills development course-Choice of leadership, organizational management, presentation and discussion techniques
Total 9
Other Cultural Studies requirements COLLEGE ENGLISH 1,2,(Advanced) 2
Reading Classics Of Great Literature 2
MSC(Math) MajorBasic Engineering Calculus 3
MajorBasic Vector Analysis andComplex Functions 3
MajorRequired Engineering Differential Equations 3
MajorRequired Engineering linear algebra 3
MajorElective Engineering probability and statistics 3
MSC(Science) MajorBasic General Physics I 3
MajorBasic General Physics II 3
MajorBasic General chemistry 3
MajorBasic Life Science 3
MajorBasic General Physics Experiment I 1
MajorBasic General Physics Experiment II 1
MSC(Computational) Cultural Studiesrequirements COMPUTATIONAL THINKING 1.5
Cultural Studies Elective 4.In the Science and Technology area, choose one of the following subjects: Visual Basic (Intro to Computer Programming) or Computer Simulation 3
Sub. Total MSC must be at least 30 credits 30
Completion division A field of study Curriculum Credit
Engineering subject(Major Basic or Major Required, Major Choice) MajorBasic Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 2
MajorBasic Statics 3
MajorRequired thermodynamics 3
MajorRequired Solid mechanics 3
MajorRequired Computational system and shape modeling 3
MajorRequired Fluid Mechanics 3
MajorRequired Dynamics 3
MajorRequired Basic electric and electronic experiment 3
MajorRequired Creative Engineering Design 2
MajorRequired Machine element design 3
MajorRequired Basic Engineering of Mechanical Engineering 2
MajorRequired Mechanical Engineering Application Experiment 2
MajorRequired Machine work method 3
MajorRequired System Modeling and Control 3
MajorRequired Manufacturing Processes Practice 1
MajorRequired Engineering Design Practice 2
MajorRequired Product Development Design NEW 3
MajorRequired Comprehensive design task NEW 3
Major Choice Acquisition of more than 35(33) credits for major selection
Design Major RequiredMajor Choice Including comprehensive design task 12
Graduation Requirements Language Score ¨çTOEIC 750 or Higher
¨èGeneral Graduation English
¨éBasic Graduation English+General graduation English